From the Unreal lead me unto the Real,
From Darkness lead me unto Light,
From Death lead me unto Life External..
- Vishva Bandhu

I Need Cleansing and Purification of Thoughts and actions
I have many failings and Weaknesses
May The Enlighted One help me cleanse and purify my Body and Soul,
My mind and Intellect, my Words and Actions.
O Lord, Make me Pious and Pure....
- Yajurveda 19.39

Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institute

Vishveshvaranand Vedic Research Institute is situated on the Hoshiarpur-Una Road, on the outskirt of the town of Hoshiarpur. The 9-acre campus of the Institute, known as 'Sadhu Ahram', has well-set gardens, lawns and building blocks, skirted by green fields and fruit gardens. The subsylvan surroundings exude charm, calmness and peace, conducive to serious study and research.

The V.V.R.I. Society was formally registered in 1936 under the Societies Act XXI of 1860. It has since then been very actively and devotedly pursuing its following Aims and Objects :

To run Teaching and Training Classes connected with the aforesaid subjects of study and research.
To popularise and propagate Indian Cultural Ideals on Humanistic and Universal lines.
To collect, preserve, edit and publish rare and important works in manuscript or in print form, connected with the ancient, medieval and modern phases of Indian culture.
To carry on and encourage Researches, on entirely non-sectarian lines and on comparative basis and in strict accordance with the principle of scientific and historical investigation in the entire domain of Indological Studies relating to language, literature, history, philosophy and religion, arts, sciences and culture in general, and publish results thereof, in the form of books and periodicals for the benefit of the scholars as well a the general readers.

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